Since we’re almost all stuck at home for a while, at least let’s get some wushu workout done.
This workout is not only great to improve your leg resistance and explose power, but is also an hardcore fat burner for your whole body! So no need to do this only when being locked down. Do it as often as you like and feel free to add it as a strength and conditioning workout as part of your Wushu training!
How it Works?
Easy. It works like any High Intensity Interval Training.
- You got 4 different exercises. 4 exercises = 1 set
- 1 minute per exercise
- 15 seconds rest between each exercices
- 1 minute rest between each set
- Repeat 5 times!
If it’s too hard, don’t worry. Start by doing 3 times the complete set, then slowly add up depending on your level.
Do not forget to do a proper warm up (especially joints warm-up : knees, ankles) before you start. We also recommend you to add a nice 10 minutes stretching routine at the end of your training to avoid loosing your flexibility during the lock down.
Jiayou !